Well, here it is. Blog day. I'm still sick with THE head cold, which is threatening to turn into something else, which means HIM will threaten me with a doctor's visit. I hate the doctor so I threaten the little cold germs inside my head. ("DAMN YOU TO HELL! MAY A CAMEL POOP SEVEN TIMES IN YOUR BORDEAUX!" Since cold germs probably don't drink Bordeaux, that's kind of silly, but it's
my cold so I get to threaten it my way.) That doesn't work very well. I'm still stuffed up. My face is starting to go numb. (That's without all the hot toddies that everyone has been recommending on Facebook, too.) I'm thinking, "This
cannot be good." On the positive side NyQuil gives me the most interesting dreams ever. Really.
I was inspired by Jimmy Durante. |
In other news, I finished the first edit of
Mountains of Dreams and now it has passed into the hands of my editor. I probably ruined her weekend. I should have waited until Monday to send it to her. She strikes me as kind of like me and slightly OCD about getting things done, so I probably owe her an apology. Also I already found three mistakes that I didn't catch the first time. I wrote EMT instead of EMP, for Electromagnetic Merry Go Round Pulse. (You know I can't remember what EMP stands for at the moment. Let me check with HIM.) (Okay, HIM is going for a motorcycle ride with our daughter and I'm not allowed to ask questions that will delay his motorcycleness. You all can figure it out for yourselves. Try Google or Bing.)
Bing has cool backgrounds that change every day. |
But Google changes their writing to suit the occasion. |
Which leads me to mention that I've been seeing a lot of commercials from Bing about how much wonderful it is than Google. I CANNOT tell the difference, other than a different random pretty picture on Bing's background every day. Is there something wrong with me? (Probably but everyone already knows that.)
Where was I? Wandering aimlessly, of course. I did say it was going to be random, didn't I?
All righty then.
- We've been watching the first season of
Sons of Anarchy. We didn't watch it the first time because our daughter was like three and well, everyone with children knows what that meant. Instead we watched
Wall-E fifty-six times. Also we watched
Finding Nemo thirty-three times.
Tarzan II enjoyed a brief stint of about six to ten times. Anyhoo, and I thought
The Sopranos was all Machiavellian. Who would have ever thought Peg Bundy could pull off motorcycle club mama/queen so well? Not me. All I can hear her saying is, "Al!"
Motorcycle megalomaniac?
I dunno.
I couldn't see it until
we finished Season 1. |
- I'm writing the outline for
The Ransom of Brownie (Or until I can think of a better name. Or maybe it should be if I think of a better name.) I will say that watching the Science Channel has been very inspirational. You wouldn't think that would be so for a Bubbaverse novel, but it is so. It's like a hint. Any of you O. Henry fans out there are already onto me.
I should have redone this with a stun gun, but wth? |
- The airbag sensor light in my
Exploder, I mean, Explorer came on yesterday. It turns out that my passenger side airbag may not be working. I Googled/Binged it. (Really I don't care which one I use.) It says that most of these sensor lights come on about at 80,000 miles. Hmm. That would suggest that the sensor light is oh, programmed to come on at a certain time, wouldn't it? Like maybe the company made it that way, so that I would have to drive over to the Ford dealer, wait on my ass for an hour, and pay them at least $100 to reset it, and/or tell me I need a wiring harness or something equally godawful. The last time something broken on the Ford, it cost $1000.
Could be an airbag. Could be a big ball.
Could be testicular elephantitus. |
- Our deck is still doing a damn impression of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I'm having issues with getting contractors to come out. Now I've got a few estimates and the estimates seem to be going up exponentially. "$6500, no, I meant $10,000. No, $12,000 and we'll put pine straw down AND we'll bring ice cream." Plus now we have to go deal with contractors with our old house that is being rented. So now I deal with contractors in two different states at the same time. Double the fun. Double the amount of blogging I can do in genuine Fat Woman ranting. I hate doctors. I hate dieting. And I hate contractors. One day I will run into a doctor who is dieting and a contractor and I will be wretchedly screwed. Or I will blow up and have to write Bubba books from jail. Either one.
I think we have the same contractor. |
Finally, I Googled myself. I got 66,700 results. Then I Binged myself. (This sounds vaguely obscene.) I got to look at a picture of a school of fish twirling around like an underwater tornado and 83,400 results. Go figure. (Oh, I
know you've Googled yourself.) (Go ahead. Go do it now and see.)
Off for another hot toddy.